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1st Dutch Antisense Therapeutics Symposium

Final program


DAY 1 (FRIDAY June 3rd)


9:30 Arrival, Registration and Coffee


9:55 Welcome


10:00 National keynote lecture:

Annemieke Aartsma-Rus (LUMC) 

A brief history of ASO therapy development: Developments in the current millennium




10:45 Roland Brock (Radboudumc) - Peptide-based delivery strategies for antisense oligonucleotides


11:15 Peter van den Akker (UMCG) - Exon-skipping therapy for dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa


11:45 Julie Rutten (LUMC) - Skipping NOTCH3 exons to prevent protein aggregation in CADASIL patient arteries


12:15 Marlen Lauffer - Dutch Center for RNA Therapeutics


12:30 LUNCH




13:15 Early Career Investigator Presentations


13:15 - Yvonne K. Jongejan (LUMC) - Small interfering RNAs for allele-selective silencing of murine von Willebrand factor


13:30 - Jurriën Prins (LUMC) - A novel antisense strategy to inhibit BK polyomavirus replication


13:45 - Irene Vázquez-Domínguez (Radboudumc) - Deciphering the efficacy and safety of different antisense oligonucleotide chemical modifications in a retinal context


14:00 International Keynote Lecture:

Bruno Godinho (Atalanta Therapeutics) 

Delivery of stabilized siRNA scaffolds to the central nervous system


14:45 Marjon Pasmooij (Medicines Evaluation Board) - Antisense to medicine: a regulator’s perspective


15:15 Poster Pitches


15:30 POSTER SESSION with Coffee and Cookies



16:45 Early Career Investigator Presentations


16:45 - Claudia Milazzo (Erasmus MC) - ASO treatment rescues UBE3A expression and multiple phenotypes of an Angelman Syndrome mouse model


17:00 - Tom Metz (LUMC) - Biodistribution of radioactively labelled AONs after ICV and IT injection in mice


17:15 - Janine Reurink (Radboudumc) - WGS identifies deep-intronic variants in USH2A that are amenable for AON-based splice correction therapy


17:30 Elizabeth Vroom (Duchenne Parent Project Netherlands) - The role of patient organizations in antisense oligonucleotide drug development


18:00 Awards, closing remarks


18:10 Drinks and Networking


19:30 Dinner (not included, pre-registration required

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